Saturday, August 12, 2006

Why HOME BASED Business?

For many, the idea for home based business sounds like an out-of reach fantasy, a dream they have had many times only to wake up to the cruel reality of the everyday grind: The traffic, The boss, The constant money arguments.

You see, I was never like that. I loved the traffic because it gave me an hour of quiet time from my family and job to listen to music. My bosses, I could care less, each time someone tried to tell me they were the boss, I would tell myself I am not married to him, I deserve better and they would get my two week notice before the end of the week. I had live-in nannies for my children and full-time housekeepers to do the chores. We took 4-6 day vacations 4 to 6 times a year. We traveled abroad at least once every year. But I always knew there was something out there that I was missing and did not know about. I knew I had to be my own boss and have my own business.

As soon as I got my EID(the last step to becoming a resident alien or a green card holder in the US), I got myself registered as a business owner in the Lake county of Illinois. I was done working for others and became a proud business owner. I had the education and the experience in the software industry so I started a software consulting company. I started generating $75/hour and this was 1997. I had a husband a child, another one coming, lived in a northern suburb of Chicago. In fact my older son was born in the Lake Forest hospital and those who know Chicago know that Michael Jordan has a house or used to have one at that time in Lake Forest. Everything was good. There was Y2K and software industry was booming and Indian programmers were the top earners in US then. Then came 2001, stocks crashed, dotcoms were busted, all the jobs went back to India. With 911, that was the end of my search for another JOB. So may “well wishers” asked me to go back to India and continue my journey to making money, but I knew one thing - people dream from the day they are born of a good life and a life in the US. My good friend Jim Rohn says no one dreams of settling in Russia or Poland.

I know I am a warrior and I am never looking nor going back. America is my home and I am living here and I shall continue to travel the globe like I always have but I am making it in America, that was a promise I made to myself and my children. My youngest child at that time was 1 yr old. My last year in the software industry I made $350,000 along with my husband. We had a house with a pool, 3 cars, my daughter attended private school and like they say “LIFE WAS GOOD”.
When things went wrong with the economy, my employers/vendors did not think twice before laying me or my employees off and canceling all contracts.

I always say you can take everything away from me, but no one can take me away from me. In 2002 I got introduced to the Network Marketing industry and have since been blessed with true entrepreneurial spirit, the spirit that America was built on – one of freedom and liberty in its purest form.

In this industry the market can never go down, since this is a true business of people, an opportunity, a chance at what life truly means and living it fully, sharing it with those I know and those I don’t. One can say no one needs computers, or XYZ product that you are selling. I know there will always be a thirst for happiness in life, a desire for prosperity and abundance and a hope for many and a passion for some - for a life of FREEDOM. When we come to America we see the statue of Liberty - the Lady with the flaming torch. Today I know what it means to be that Lady - she has a soul and I am one with it.

But then there is the industry (broad) and then there are companies and finally there are systems and people following systems. I know there is everything for everybody and there are “somethings” for me. I fell in love with the industry and after a quest of over 4 years I found a company I am in sync with.

Enough about me and now a little bit about this business...

This is a simple system which my mentor loves to equate to the game, "SIMON SAYS" SYSTEM and following it is easy... This is a business where you get in for yourself but are never by yourself. I have tried businesses since 1997 and trust me, I never had the support or training like I have here.

Today, I work out of my home office 15-20 hours a week, I take my younger children to school and pick them up too, I am home when my daughter leaves for school and am here when she comes back too. I love to cook and they get three fresh cooked warm meals a day. We go to the beach 4-5 times a week, hike on trails with my dogs in the morning and play in the park every night when it is quieter and cooler. I could never do this when I have my $100K/yr job or $250K/yr traditional (brick and mortar) business. Things are changing in my life as I am changing and it is primarily because of this incredible opportunity.

To learn more visit or call me direct at 805-275-2289 or better yet write to me at .

Wishing you infinite peace and abundant prosperity.
Sharmila Murthy

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